Annual Dues

Effective 2024:

The annual fee for membership in the association shall be $200.00 per year per township in counties with a county organization and $205.00 per year per township in counties without a county organization. All dues shall be paid by May 1 and if unpaid, shall become delinquent on October 1. A township shall be ineligible to vote at the Annual Meeting of the Association if dues are not paid by October 31 or may be allowed to vote at the discretion of the Association President.

If your county has a County Township Officer's Association, please pay the dues through that association. If the county does not have an association, please mail your check to Barb Knutson, 2600-236th St NE, McKenzie, ND 58572. Due to ridiculously high fees at National Bank Card, we had to discontinue accepting credit cards. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Effective 2024, the Membership Fee shall be $200 per organized township.